The following list of individuals and institutions is provided as a public service to those seeking to become apprentice coal miners in West Virginia. While the Office of Miner’s Health, Safety and Training cannot ethically and legally recommend any particular instructor or institution over another, we do advise those who are seeking the training to be wary of individuals who will charge a fee for their services and not provide the full 40 or 80 hours of classroom training required by the law. Persons who seek apprentice coal miner training should be advised that the OMHST will strictly enforce the following guidelines with regard to miner certification examinations.

All 40- and 80-hour apprentice miner students and their instructors shall sign a form / document certifying that the required training for the required number of classroom hours has been accomplished before any examination is administered.

If an issue arises based on verifiable evidence or documentation that the required training for the required number of hours has not been completed, the OMHST will not under any circumstances administer any examination. If it is determined that the required training for the required number of hours has not been completed, the OMHST will pursue disciplinary action up to and including permanent withdrawal of the instructor’s certification. However, students should be advised that the OMHST will not be responsible for providing any portion of the required training in order for them to qualify for the examination, and any student in question shall not be tested until all requirements have been met.

While the OMHST staff has limited time for such activities, random monitoring of 40 and 80- hour apprentice miner training classes will be done.

This is a non-promotional, informational listing only.

This list may not be a complete list of all instructors currently in business.

To certified instructors who teach the continuing education of underground mine foreman training classes to the public, please complete the instructor update form to be listed on the site as a certified instructor for this training.

Instructor for Apprentice 40-hour (surface) and/or 80-hour (underground) Training Classes
Instructor for Continuing Education of Underground Mine Foreman Training Classes (CEUMF)

View In-State Instructor List