The West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training (WV MHS&T) gives the mining industry an opportunity to move forward as a safe mining community by offering professional safety training, guidance, regular inspections and consulting to anyone in mining operations, maintenance and service. Protecting the state’s most precious natural resource, the miner, is the top priority of WV MHS&T, and the following courses ensure that the miner understands safety protocols in their work environment. Please contact us today to arrange a safety training at our facility for your company.
Courses Offered
WV Underground Foreman Continuing Education
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Eight hours
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
This eight-hour course, approved by WV MHS&T, consisting of classroom instruction and discussion, as well as hands-on practice in the Mine Lab, will provide participants with the required continuing education in mine ventilation, roof control, fatal accidents, accident prevention, pre-shift and on-shift rules and emergency preparedness, fulfilling the requirements of WV MHS&T from section 22A-7-7.
Annual Underground Refresher
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Eight hours
Location(s): WVTCC & Mine Lab
Program Overview:
This eight-hour course of classroom instruction and discussion as well as hands-on practice in the Mine Lab will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to understand and maintain the requirements of underground mining rules and regulations, as well as providing a safe working environment.
Annual Surface Refresher
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Eight hours
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
This eight-hour course of classroom instruction and discussion as well as hands-on practice on the Simulated Plant Structure or inside the Mine Lab will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to understand and maintain the requirements of surface mining rules and regulations, as well as providing a safe working environment.
Annual Preparation Facility Refresher
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Eight hours
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
This nine-hour course of classroom instruction and discussion as well as hands-on practice on the Simulated Plant Structure or inside the Mine Lab will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to understand and maintain the requirements of surface rules and regulations and providing a safe working environment.
WV 40 Hour Surface Apprentice Course
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Five days
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
A comprehensive, 40-hour training, fulfilling the requirements of WV MHS&T for completing a course to obtain a Surface Apprentice Miner card. This course includes both classroom training and hands-on activities conducted at the West Virginia Training Conference Center. The full training will last five days; four days of instruction and hands-on training and one day of review and testing.
WV 80 Hour Underground Apprentice Certification
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructor
Duration: Ten days
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
A comprehensive 80-hour training, fulfilling the requirements of the WV State Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training for completing a course to obtain a WV Underground Apprentice Miner card (red hat). This course includes both classroom training and underground activities conducted at the West Virginia Training and Conference Center Mine Lab. The full training will last ten days; nine days of instruction and hands-on training and one day of review and testing.
WV Underground Mine Foreman Certification
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: 12 days
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
A comprehensive three-week training, preparing an experienced underground miner for the knowledge and skills needed to pass the WV MHS&T exam for Certified Underground Foreman. This course includes both classroom training and underground activities conducted at the West Virginia Training Center Mine Lab. The full training will last 12 days; 11 days of instruction and hands-on training and one day of testing.
WV Surface Mine Foreman Certification
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Six days
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
A comprehensive one-week training, preparing an experienced surface miner for the knowledge and skills needed to pass the WV MHS&T exam for Certified Surface Foreman.
WV Surface Mine Foreman Certification
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Six days
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
A comprehensive one-week training, preparing an experienced surface miner for the knowledge and skills needed to pass the WV MHS&T exam for Certified Surface Foreman.
Firefighting Safety, Strategies & Skills
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: One day
Location(s): WVTCC & Mine Lab
Program Overview:
This full-day, group-activity learning experience utilizing the outside burn pad with live fire and the underground Mine Lab live fire, challenges participants with mine fire and smoke scenarios that they must extinguish and exit from safely and efficiently. Safety measures, communication, planning and execution under extreme time constraints but in a controlled environment.
Respirable Dust 101: Practical Exposure Reduction in the UG Workplace
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: Eight Hours
Location(s): WVTCC
Program Overview:
This eight-hour course will focus on reducing dust exposure involving various mining practices. It will include practices and processes that may impact dust exposure, as well as helping the participant to better identify when high exposure is likely to occur from breakdown of past PDM data.
Mine Rescue Team Member Initial
Instructor(s): WVTCC Instructors
Duration: 32 Hours
Location: WVTCC
Program Overview:
This course is designed for classroom and hands-on training for individuals interested in becoming a mine rescue member. The full training will be four full days of hands-on and classroom instruction.
For training materials, please click here https://minesafety.wv.gov/training-material/