DMM-60 the initial WVMHS&T application for all underground and surface mines. This application is used for the DMM-60, DMM-60S, SMM-60B, and DMM-60SB.
DMM-60: Mine Opening Permit Application
General Information must be filed for all new or renewed Certificates of Approval issued by this agency. Both pages of the form are required to be completed or the permit will not be processed.
General Information Form
Initial Comprehensive Mine Safety Program contains the forms necessary for a new Mine Safety Program. Must be submitted to WVMHS&T Regional office for approval.
Initial Comprehensive Mine Safety Program Application
Underground Mines – Components for Comprehensive Mine Safety Program
Surface Mines – Components for Comprehensive Mine Safety Program
Generic Comprehensive Mine Safety Program
Minimum Roof Control Plan contains the forms necessary to apply for an initial plan.
Minimum Roof Control Plan
Mine Operating Status Request: This form is used to request a change in status.
Inactive or Approved Inactive may be filed when no employees will be present on the mine permit.
Active may be filed when you have employees present on the mine permit.
Permanently Closed
DMM-57 Mine Operating Status Request
DMM-61 general application for permits for pumps, fan stoppage for maintenance, additional opening, stockpile safety plants, car dropping plans, etc.
DMM-61 Application
DMM-63 application/permit to stop the fan while the mine is idle and no employees are in the mine.
DMM-63: Application/Permit
DMM-65 application/permit to use propane gas in making permanent cable splices
DMM-65: Application/Permit
DMM-62, DMM-64, DMM-66 applications for shooting in underground mines.
DMM-62: Multiple Shooting in Rock
DMM-64: Solid Shooting
DMM-66: Multiple Shooting in Coal
DMM-67 application to surface mine within 500-feet of an active or abandoned mine.
DMM-67 Surface Mining within 500-feet of Underground Mines
Surface Mine Production Termination may be filed once all production has been completed on the surface permit.
Surface Mine Production Termination Application
DMM-72, DMM-73, DMM-74 various mine specific waiver applications for communications and ground monitoring.
DMM-72: Communication Waiver
DMM-73 & 74: Ground Monitor System Waivers with Guidelines
Guidelines for Completing DMM-73 & 74 Ground Monitor System Waivers
OG-44, OG-45, OG-59 applications for permits to mine through or around oil & gas wells. The mine operator is required to submit three (3) copies of any such application. Note: The OG-44 and OG-45 are designed for legal size paper (14 in.). Download the Permitting Procedures Manual for more information.
Permitting Procedures for Operating Near Oil and Gas Wells
OG-45 Underground 200-feet (requires legal size paper)
OG-44 Underground 500-feet (requires legal size paper)
OG-59 Surface Mining Agreement Within 200-feet
Mine Map Submittal Guidelines have been developed to standardize the information required on all submitted mine maps.
There is one checklist for initial/semi-annual permit maps and a second checklist for closure/final maps.
Instructions for Mine Maps
Initial and Semi-Annual Map Checklist
Closure and Final Map Checklist
Mine Map Symbols